In 2018, 96 per cent of the world’s population lived within reach of a mobile-cellular signal, and 90 percent of people could access the Internet through a third generation (3G) or higher-quality network. 16 percent of the global population does not have access to mobile broadband networks.
The global share of manufacturing value added in GDP increased from 15.2per cent in 2005 to 16.3per cent in 2017, driven by the fast growth of manufacturing in Asia. Least developed countries have immense potential for industrialization in food and beverages (agro-industry), and textiles and garments, with good prospects for sustained employment generation and higher productivity
In 2019, the amount of new renewable power capacity added (excluding large hydro) was the highest ever, at 184 gigawatts, 20GW more than in 2018. This included 118GW of new solar systems, and 61GW of wind turbines. Capacity investment in solar slipped 3 percent to $131.1 billion in 2019, while that in wind climbed 6 percent to $ 138.2 billion â €“ the first time that wind has outweighed solar in terms of dollars committed since 2010.
Capacity investment in solar slipped 3 percent to $131.1 billion in 2019, while that in wind climbed 6 percent to $ 138.2 billion â €“ the first time that wind has outweighed solar in terms of dollars committed since 2010. Developing countries continued to outpace developed economies in renewables investment. In 2019, they committed $152.2 billion, compared to $130 billion for developed countries.